Local Business News


Update on 148 S. Union St.

July 10, 2023


On March 15th 2023, 148 S. Union St. representatives said that work would begin in a few weeks on the three story building. This was reported at the village board meeting. On April 15th, there were a couple of guys that were doing work on the property. Prior to that, there was no work done in the month of February or March. Since June of last year, there was, on average, three to five days of work done a month on the basement and utilities. The Spring of 2021 is when work began on 148 S. Union St. and in the two years since they started, they have a lot of a basement built.

In the month of May, they worked four days. In the month of June, they worked seven days in the first half of the month putting up a two-story structure. They haven't worked on this corner since around June 15th.